Russ Hubbard, Ephesoft
Russ Hubbard, Ephesoft
18 July 2019
First Things First: Capturing Unstructured Data to Increase Business Efficiency and Productivity
In this age of technology-driven enlightenment, data is our competitive currency or the new gold some say – but according to a Tech Trends report by Deloitte in 2017, 80 to 90 per cent of data is unstructured and can’t be easily accessed, searched or used and remain in the unexplored recesses of the “deep web”. To date, this data pool has been largely untapped and in recent years, there has been a huge focus on the ingestion step of companies on the digital transformation journey – taking measures to automate and unlock their hidden data. How can enterprises find solutions for this so they can improve business processes and customer experience?
Russ Hubbard, Chief Revenue Officer, Ephesoft tells us how companies, especially SMEs who wish to automate processes, can capture unstructured data to improve business efficiency
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